Saturday, May 26, 2012

Meghan's graduation from St. Mary's School

A few of the photos that I took at the graduation.

Friday, May 18, 2012

We are getting ready to come down to Tampa tomorrow. We'll be there on Sunday, with "dear Leo", as Mother calls him. In the meantime here is a little video about the two Wilkesboros.

It seems the powers that 

 be have finally come to their senses that paying for everything twice just so they can have two towns of less than 5,000 each might not be the smartest move.

They managed to find the most attractive and articulate folks involved in local politics. Keep in mind that this is a county were one of the county commissioners justified cutting the library budget because "only deadbeats use the library." And the nice lady who does much of the talking? When she was first elected to the city council for North Wilkesboro the guy in charge did not want her to take her turn with the councils Bible reading.

She's a woman and the Bible forbids that. 

But they do manage to make the towns look pretty by consistently shooting from a height so it looks like you are right in the middle of the mountains.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Front Porch

This is a photo of the front porch of Grandmother's and Granddaddy's house on the farm.  It is from one of the glass plates that the Hoge family left in the attic.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother with two of her Grandchildren - Marshall and Meghan

Monday, May 07, 2012

Elizabeth at the home in McLean

Elizabeth in the living room in McLean.
Note the record player behind her.