Thursday, August 30, 2007

Request for an address

Does anyone have Tomis' address and the name of his wife? Laura and I would like to send him a wedding gift. I suppose we could just send it to John and Karen, but am not sure that I have their current address either.

If you can help, e-mail me, and many thanks.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A visit from Sheldon

Sheldon was in town for some work, and paid a visit to Mother's place on a couple of nights. He brought some papers to me that he had gotten from Jane's house when she had died, and they were cleaning up. The most interesting ones are some "love letters" from Grand Daddy to Grandmother, where he calls her "my dear little girl". Also a letter from one of her relatives that talks about her being sick and says "just tell Buck to come over and you will feel better." (Buck being a nickname for Grand Daddy.) Some photos included with Sheldon in them.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Pictures from Mother's Birthday

Okay. I'm tired of reading all about the plans for Mother's birthday, and seeing no new posts, so here are a few photos to brighten up the blog. These were taken at the birthday party.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Location Change For Mother's Birthday Party

The lunch will begin at 2:00 pm at Mother's after church, Aug 12, per her request. You can eat whenever you get here. So Thomas & Gail, Scott & Laura...if you don't get here till 3, 4, etc we will be sure there is food left.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Mother's Birthday Plans

As it stands now....will get pizza and I'll make a salad and we will gather at Blaine & Judy's on Sunday 8/12 after church. Not sure what time.

Does it sound ok for everyone? Let me know who's coming later. Will have cake.

Whoever shows up will have to pitch in on cost of pizza.

Friday, August 03, 2007

The Bridge in Minneapolis

The other night just as we were setting down to eat Blaine called. Laura didn't recognize his voice so thought I was just getting some crank call. Blaine told me about the bridge collapse in Minneapolis.

I rode on that bridge countless times. It is not very far from where the University is and where I lived is only downriver from it on Lake Street. You can see it here. It is just above the yellow arrow. The bridge that I went across almost everyday that I lived in Minnesota is down river and is called 94 (my apartment building was just at the end of the shield with the number 94 in it, north of Lake Street. I was only a block from the Lake Street Bridge. For awhile before I moved the Lake Street Bridge was so dangerous that buses had to stop at the edge of the bridge, unload their passengers into little vans, and then have the passengers taken across the bridge to be picked up by another bus. The span, a beautiful old steel bridge, was replaced with a new concrete hulk, one that looks very much like the marvel of modern engineering that went down.

At least the death toll seems much smaller than was originally thought. Given how awful it looks it is hard to believe. One young man who was on the school bus is being hailed as a hero because he helped all the young children get out. It was from one of the more ethnic and poorer neighborhood summer school and returning from a day at the lake, I think.

Here is a picture of 35W on a normal day. You can see how big it is and how much traffic was on it for it to be bumper to bumper as it was when the bridge went down.

It gave me a funny feeling to hear all the old Minnesota voices and to see how they were coping. I saw some videos of eyewitnesses and I have to believe Minnesotans took it more calmly than most other places would have. That old Scandinavian/Lutheran grit I guess, although the young hero is named Hernandez.

Some new posts

I have completed some of the posts about our San Francisco trip. So far all I've gotten up on Not Mayberry are posts about our first day, and the second day which we spent in Chinatown with Pam. There is also a funny story about Leo being bad. I'll finish the San Francisco posts soon.

We will be leaving for Tampa either Saturday or Friday. Depending.

WE NEED TO KNOW WHAT JACKIE IS PLANNING FOR SUNDAY so we can see if we should try to get there in time. See you all either Sunday or Monday.