Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our friend Nelson is visiting the Vikings

My colleague Neva has a son about Maggie's age named Nelson. He is the handsomest little boy we have ever seen and has a very sweet personality. He is in Iceland right now and has his own blog (ghost written, I suspect). His first planned trip after he settles in is to go see the Viking Museum, so I am very interested in that!

Please check it out. He is one of my favorite young men. Every now and then he comes into my office and challenges me to a 'Space Invaders" game on the computer. I usually lose. But that is only because I let him!

no. really.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Leo's big walk

Yesterday Leo did not get much of a walk. Too much rain, and his favorite trails were under water! (see the last post) Last night he seemed draggy and listless and retired to bed early. Today the water is down, and the sun is out, sometimes. We took Leo out to our favorite trail, the paved Greenway going along the Yadkin River. We could see how high the water had been and how high it still is.

Leo had a great time just walking on dry land. He pranced along, tail at full mast, nose in the air sniffing with what looks like a big goofy grin on his face. He was a happy little dog.

As for me, I am going down to the bar this afternoon. I'll take something to work on while I'm there. Meanwhile Leo is out in the family room barking happily at cats, real and notional.

We've had a little rain

Yesterday, early in the morning, before we were fully awake, Laura drove me to the bus stop at the Community College. As we were driving down the road I looked up and saw that the road in front of us was flooded. I yelled for Laura to stop, which she did just in time. The Moravian Creek had overflowed its banks across the road. We drove slowly through it and made it to the other side but when we got down to the college, the bus stop and the big campus park where we walk Leo was under 4 or 5 feet of water. The bus had to stop at the edge of campus which was now the Wilkes Community College Lake. Meghan and Elizabeth probably remember the road because they stayed at the hotel on it - the dry end.

When I rode the bus home we could see that the bridge over the Yadkin River had developed cracks and the police were routing traffic around them. That is right at the exit off 421 to our house, which is only two blocks away (up on a good size hill fortunately).

Here is the news story about it.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Yellow Bluff Fort Jacksonville

On Sunday we drove around Jacksonville looking at parks.
This is Yellow Bluff Fort. It was apparantly occupied by Union and Confederate troops during the Civil War.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Possessed Cat

Well, now we know for sure that the cat is 'possessed',
here's the picture to prove it!

I think it is a pretty COOL photo of Miss Dixie!!!!!!

Miss Dixie-the beautiful calico

Since Jackie showed her cat, so I thought everyone might like to see ours - Miss Dixie.
She is sweet 16 and a little cranky!

More Mother's Day Photos

Gail gave Mother a matted framed saying

Before enjoying pizza and a beverage, Meghan displayed her gymnastic ability by doing a handstand. Yeah, for youth!!!!
Elizabeth with a beautiful rose Meghan gave her.

Thomas gave Mother her traditional box of chocolates.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day (At Mother's no less)

All of the "Mothers" that were there today. Mom of course, Mother of 6, Judy, Mother of two, and Elizabeth, Mother of 1 (But that one was Meghan so that ought to count for more as far as wear and tear.)

Gail and Mother

Meghan and her Grandmother (While Meghan is tall don't be fooled by this photo, she was standing on her tippy-toes.)

Saturday, May 09, 2009

My Precious Meghan

Well, if Jackie can post pictures of her precious kitty kat...I can certainly post a pic of my precious Meghan.