Thursday, May 28, 2009

Our friend Nelson is visiting the Vikings

My colleague Neva has a son about Maggie's age named Nelson. He is the handsomest little boy we have ever seen and has a very sweet personality. He is in Iceland right now and has his own blog (ghost written, I suspect). His first planned trip after he settles in is to go see the Viking Museum, so I am very interested in that!

Please check it out. He is one of my favorite young men. Every now and then he comes into my office and challenges me to a 'Space Invaders" game on the computer. I usually lose. But that is only because I let him!

no. really.


Anonymous Mickey's Mom said...

Second handsomest

8:55 PM  
Blogger Clemens said...

Handsomness requires a certain age. Mr Miggs is still in the 'cute-soon-to-be-handsom' stage. He is, however, the cutest little boy I have ever seen!

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Mickey's Mom said...

Yeah, go on, keep trying to dig yourself out. Just wait till Maggie hears what you said.

10:37 PM  
Anonymous Maggie's rather disappointed Mom said...

Maggie's response:

"Hmm. Well you know, Mummy, Nelson *is* pretty cute"

9:04 PM  

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