Sunday, September 27, 2009

Visit to Space Center

Thomas and I were invited by Patrick Atkins (space center employee) to visit the Space Center yesterday, September 26th.

The space ship Endeavor was in the process of being repaired and here are some of the photos. It was exciting to view the space ship up close and to see all the intricate and complicated working of it.

Space ship Endeavor being towed to Kennedy Space Center
for repairs after space mission

Showing Endeavor's name plate inside repair dock

Here we are about to begin the tour. We are
standing in front of the building where the
space ship is turned vertically to attach
rocket boosters to its underbelly.

Work platform for repairing the space ship

Underbelly of the Endeavor near the rear showing the
heat-resistant tile covering

Thomas & Gail standing next to the nose section
of the Endeavor

Thomas with our guide Patrick Atkins
and Don Bowman standing in front of
the only launch pad for manned
space missions.


Blogger laura said...

That is SO cool! What a great experience for you.

9:55 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Very impressive! Agree with Laura.

6:17 AM  
Anonymous Elizabeth said...

Makes you look like real VIPs. It looks like a very exciting adventure.

7:38 PM  
Blogger Gail said...

Patrick was an excellent guide. We got an up close and personal tour which was truly amazing!!!

10:44 PM  

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