Monday, October 26, 2009

Costume Party in Boone

Last night Laura and I went to the History Department's annual costume party. I went as myself in a white sports coat and cigar.

And won the prize for best costume.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tram's drawing

Tram sat here tonight and did one of her drawings when she and Andy came for homework. I think she does well and am posting it here. (What do you think, Scott?)

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Meghan is the name and vollyball is my game

Some photos of Meghan at one of her vollyball games for St. Mary's.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Maggie broke her arm!

Our friend Maggie fell on the monkey bars yesterday and fractured her arm. She now has a very impressive cast. Took her two hours at the ER to get it all taken care of but she was very brave. We are going over to her house tonight to celebrate the Harvest Moon with Vietnamese food, in honor of her little brother. He was very sweet when he heard his big sister had hurt herself and had a big boo-boo. He wanted to rush home to kiss it and make it better.