Sunday, February 20, 2011

Karen and I were going to Olustee on Saturday, but we didn't make it. This is an official apology to Thomas Lee and Gail.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Mickey and his knights

Every Tuesday night I get together with the Quigleys at the Black Cat Burritos for dinner and beer. Little Mickey Miggs, their three year old, always demands that I draw him pictures of knights.

He is a very demanding artistic patron: What do you want me to draw Mickey?

"Knights! I want knights!"

ok - what kind of knight. "I want a BAD knight! With a shield!"

Should he have a lance or a sword or something? "A sword - he has a sword."

Should I put something like an eagle or a cross on his shield?
"NO! Nothing on his shield."

Alright. Nothing on the shield. Should he be on a horse? "NO! Just standing."

"And he doesn't have those things!" ..... What things?

"On his feet. He doesn't ride a horse!"

Oh. You mean spurs?

"'purs! No 'purs! He is NOT on a horse."

And I used to think his sister was bossy.

I'm beginning to know how Dad felt once upon a time when he had to draw knights.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Blaine, Thomas and I wish you a very Happy birthday!!!!