Thursday, July 26, 2012

Glass plate for Thomas

This is one of the old glass plates that Thomas had talked to me about.  I have gotten a new scanner and decided to try one on it and picked this one.  When I got it I thought that it was large enough to cover the whole glass plate (my old one wasn't).  It wasn't.  It is a larger area than the old one and a better scanner but I had to work to get the entire plate copied.  I moved the plate around and made three overlapping scans.   I then put them into my photo shop "photomerge" and behold a complete photo.  I have not tried to clean it up yet but here it is. According to the envelope that the plate was in the horse was called "Stella".

Monday, July 23, 2012

Jackie's Birthday Party

Here are a few photos from Jackie's Birthday.

Dame Edna
(It's really Jackie.  Really.)

Jackie and Art

Blowing out the candles.
(Let's see.  Two candles, so she must be two.)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Jackie!!!!

I am posting this photo today for Jackie's birthday tomorrow.  She will be .... let's see ....... wait let me get a calculator .....  gee, that can't be right ...... the number is too large ..... maybe I need my calculus book.... I'll just have to get back with you on the age.  (This is not a recent photo, for those that  were confused.)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mom and Dad ......back in the day.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Photos from the 4th of July Party at Jackie's and Art's

Thomas and Gail

The Birthday cake


Mother with her Grandson Marshall

(Trying to look like she is thinking.)