Sunday, April 09, 2006

Palm Sunday in Wilkesboro

Well, nobody has gotten on this blog, so the whole idea may be a bust. Or perhaps the messages that were supposed to go out automatically didn't. I'll e-mail everyone with the url later.

It was a beautiful day today - crisp the way I like it. Laura does not like crisp by the way. Hot and muggy is more her speed. Fortunately Leo, the Dog, agrees with me. In fact, he's a whole lot like me: loves to sleep in, loves romping in the snow and walking on cold days, loves routine, and especially loves to lay around all day doing on the couch doing nothing but thinking deep thoughts.

I didn't get up until nearly 11 today but I blame it on fighting off the flu or something. Went with Laura to walk the Dog. We went to a new place this afternoon, out at the park by the Kerr Dam and Lake. It was beautiful out there. He likes running around in new places. There is also a moutain bike trail out there that I will try soon. Although I've noticed that as I age I seem to prefer walks rather than bike rides.

I spoke to Mother tonight. She explained about Gail's sister and all that they are going through. We were shocked to hear the news and will be writing soon. What a tragedy.

That's about it. Hope everyone is doing OK.


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