Friday, February 23, 2007

New and Improved Blog

Well Scott, they have let me go thru one more time without moving my blogger account to the "new and improved" blogging spot (or whatever it is called). They let me skip but said I could only skip one time, so I will have to try again next week (or tomorrow) to see what they make me do. So, other than the few extra steps to "skip" I seem to be able to post okay.

Let me take this opportunity to thank everyone who bought Girl Scout Cookies. They have arrived and I will be contacting you for payment and to get you your cookies (or for those in other parts - hold them for you until you arrive in town).

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Happy Birthday Blaine!

Marioi Orsini, 73, faces assault charges for shooting and wounding his brother, Donato, 66, after mistaking him for a woodchick,* police said.

From a USA Today story.

*same as a groundhog.

Monday, February 05, 2007

News from Frigid North Carolina

Actually, it's not that cold, but Laura is complaining. It was fairly cold this morning though. Laura walked Leo in the morning and I walked him in the afternoon. It will be even colder tomorrow, and is going to stay that way for the next two weeks. Laura was already tired of it.

Last Friday we had our friend Maggie over for a sleep over. Her parents were going down to Greensboro that night and would stay all of the next day. We had a great time with her, but as usual, were exhausted. It was cold, but she went with us for Leo's morning walk. She spied the play ground nearby and insisted on playing on the slides and swings until her hands got too cold. Then we came back home for milk and cookies and spent the afternoon watching Japanese anime cartoons. I don't know where she got the idea but she told her dad when he picked her up that the whole sleepover Uncle Scott had been silly. One odd thing that we can't figure out: as soon as she got here she went into our room and got both our alarm clocks and set them beside her futon bed in the guest room. It's part of some game, but we don't know what it is.

Today Laura went over to Hickery for various tests and a check up. After her mother and her sister both having breast cancer I told her I wanted all of that as my Christmas present. Now she is telling me I should get a colostomy test.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

New Improved Blog

Well, Scott got me curious. He said he was forced to upgrade his blogs to the 'new, improved' blogger and wasn't sure if anyone could still post on Jessee's Place or not, so I have decided to try. I have not converted to the "new, improved". and I seem to still be able to post, etc. and I have not been forced to time will tell.

Hope all is well in the Jessee family. I hear Art is doing well after his surgery.

Meghan brought home a "Hi-Stepper" order form from Brownies tonight. Apparently, if you fell short of the goal you set for yourself, you have a second chance of bringing in those orders. Meghan's 300+ boxes of cookies was below her goal of 400 boxes (she and I will have to have a serious talk about what to expect next year)! I came to realize last year that whatever orders you turn in, are boxes you have to pickup and boxes you have to deliver. Four hundred boxes of cookies in my living room is not my idea of redecorating, especially since I have not even taken down my Christmas tree yet! (hey, come on now, it's pretty!!!) Thank you to all who ordered, and for those who didn't, we'll be talking!!