Monday, February 05, 2007

News from Frigid North Carolina

Actually, it's not that cold, but Laura is complaining. It was fairly cold this morning though. Laura walked Leo in the morning and I walked him in the afternoon. It will be even colder tomorrow, and is going to stay that way for the next two weeks. Laura was already tired of it.

Last Friday we had our friend Maggie over for a sleep over. Her parents were going down to Greensboro that night and would stay all of the next day. We had a great time with her, but as usual, were exhausted. It was cold, but she went with us for Leo's morning walk. She spied the play ground nearby and insisted on playing on the slides and swings until her hands got too cold. Then we came back home for milk and cookies and spent the afternoon watching Japanese anime cartoons. I don't know where she got the idea but she told her dad when he picked her up that the whole sleepover Uncle Scott had been silly. One odd thing that we can't figure out: as soon as she got here she went into our room and got both our alarm clocks and set them beside her futon bed in the guest room. It's part of some game, but we don't know what it is.

Today Laura went over to Hickery for various tests and a check up. After her mother and her sister both having breast cancer I told her I wanted all of that as my Christmas present. Now she is telling me I should get a colostomy test.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Everytime someone says its cold I just think of Jenifer. I think she has it much worse than anyone in our family. Saturday I talked to her at Mother's and she said when she woke up it was 55 her apartment! The heat had gone off and they had to get them to come fix it (twice I think). was in the 40s here this morning - that's cold enough for me!

8:41 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

It was 17 here, and much colder in Boone. Laura thinks it is the artic circle. One of my blogging friends in Winnipeg said it was -40.

The coldest it has ever been when I was out in it was -24.

So I guess its relative.

Oh yes. With the heat out, how did Jenifer's apartment keep even that much heat? My first year in Boone the house I was living in ran out of fuel oil the night it hit -16. I ran out and bought a space heater and turned on the oven.

10:23 PM  

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