Sunday, January 07, 2007

Scott is off to the Monastery

I leave tomorrow morning for The Holy Cross Abbey in Berryville. I'll be there until Friday and will then go in to see Steve and Cindy. Laura will be at home if you want to talk to her, but I will be away from phones, computers, TV, everything. I'll post again when I get back.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

I can't wait to hear all about it. Most of all, I think I want to know what they eat. What did you have for breakfast - do they have coffee and do they eat before or after the 3:30 am Lauds service. What time was dinner and did you have a "lights out" or could you stay up late and read? Many, many questions. Tell us all about it when you come back to the real world.

8:44 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

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8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A little up date on Scott. Scotty called me from the parking lot of the monastery; cell phone use is apparently discouraged inside the guest house. He had had a good trip. He said it was cold and I could hear the wind whipping around even through the phone. There is a chance of snow; he should be quite happy. He said the room was nice with a narrow bed and a very good desk to work on. He was getting ready for dinner in about an hour (Cistercians are vegetarians, btw)and then Compline.

8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am back! Or at least in Washington. Spent all day Friday driving around Loudon. Met an old school mate of mine running Nichol's Hardware in Purcelville. Then went to Hamiliton and on to Waterford. I'll be in Wilkesboro on Sunday evening and will start the blogs again.

12:03 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Can't wait to hear about your retreat & Loudoun & Washington tour. Publish pics if you took any.

8:57 AM  

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