Saturday, July 28, 2007

Our friend Maggie

Maggie came down from Deep Gap for a sleep over Thursday night. It was her parent's anniversary and we wanted them to have some time to themselves. Maggie had a great time with Auntie Laura and Leo. When I brought her down here she went over to Laura and said "I'm so excited!" Even though she had already had mac & cheese once that afternoon she insisted she wanted it again so we took her over to the Appleby's Restaurant because she thinks they have the best mac & cheese ever. We had a lot of fun with her although as always it left us a little ... tired.

Anyway, here is the latest picture of her from her family blog:

Maggie would hereby like it known that she has now lost her SECOND tooth, thus transforming her from a "big girl" to a "very big girl." I have no idea what a third tooth will do to her (or to us, for that matter!)

I'm posting a picture of Maggie missing her first tooth. The new gap-toothed grin looks the same, it's just the tooth next to the first that she's lost now.

Home from San Francisco

Laura and I arrived home late Tuesday night. Our trip literally could not have been better (well - OK. It could've been better if someone else had paid for it). The first night we were in San Francisco everyone was talking about how great the weather was, and it stayed that way all weekend. It was in the 70s and Louise was complaining about how hot it was. I now want to retire in San Francisco, if we could afford it and had a few more family members out there - Jen, you'd love San Francisco. It has some fascinating architecture.

We took Pam and Louise out for dinner in a good Mediterranean restaurant. Louise enjoyed it because she likes everything about where she lives but the food. The next day though her heart pace was out of control and she decided she should stay in. Pam went with us to tour Chinatown and we ate very late at a sushi bar in Japantown, just a block from out hotel. Pam had to leave early Monday morning so Laura and I took the bus out to the Aquatic park and walked from there almost to the Golden Gate bridge. It was great fun, though I got sunburned a bit on my face. I'll describe more of our adventures on the other two blogs in the next day or so, so check Not Mayberry in particular.

Louise seems to be doing well. She likes the hotel she lives in though she complains about the food (which we found not so bad - all the wine you can drink!). She also has trouble seeing, but can still see enough to read if the print is big enough. Her knees effect her mobility but she can still get out and do some things. She goes to an exercise class and on some of the trips organized by the hotel, so I think it is good for her. Pam is waiting to see where Clover ends up and then wants to move near her, I think.

So all in all it was a good trip. Even the flights out and back were more or less on time and not too uncomfortable. We will see everyone in Tampa in about two weeks or so.

Monday, July 23, 2007


With Blaine's help I think I will finally be able to post 1 picture. Perhaps then I can move up to a few at a time. This is Art with granddaugter Avery at the ocean in June.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Funeral for the Father of Anh and Dinh

Judy and I along with her family went over to the funeral today for the Father of Anh and Dinh. He passed away Tuesday from cancer. Judy was very close to him and to his family since they were next door neighbors in Viet Nam. I am posting some photos from the funeral. The first is of the table for him with his photo in the back and the food for his spirit.

This one is of Judy and Anh along with two of Anh's sisters. They wear the white headband as family members of the deceased.

This one is during the funeral service.

This is one of the grandchildren. He had 14.

This is a section of one of the photo posters near the doorway. If you look closely at the top of this group you can see Anh and Dinh's parents with Mom and Dad at Christmas on Prospect Rd.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Family Photos

I can't seem to post from my "Kodak Gallery". If anyone didn't get pictures from me in their email and want to see ones from recent "family gatherings in Tampa" let me know.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Addendum to the Hotels

I forgot to mention: despite the appearance, the Queen Anne turned out to be cheaper than the Holiday Inns, even one in what is reputed to be "not the best neighborhood." So we think it is a bargain.

At least until we get there and actually experience it.

The Hotels of San Francisco

We think we have everything arranged now for our trip. Here is the web page for Louise's place, the Broadmoor Hotel.

And here is the web page for our hotel, the Queen Anne. It is only one block from Louise's place. She says that getting around on the bus is easy so we should be all set.

Laura also found a way to take a virtual walk on Google's Street View. It's pretty amazing. You can move right down the street and see Louise's place and then the Queen Anne.

Friday, July 13, 2007

We're going to San Francisco

Laura and I decided to both go to San Francisco to see Aunt Louise and to sight see. When I told her that Laura was coming too Louise said "Oh, good! I'll tell Pam. She said she would come down if Laura was coming."

I guess me by myself isn't that much of a draw.

Anyway, we will leave on Saturday 21 July and come back on the next Tuesday. We are staying at a nice hotel just a block or so from the old hotel Louise lives in now. It is not that far from where she lived before. We are both excited about it. I ought to borrow a digital camera and see if I can learn to post pictures.

How hard can it be?

Thursday, July 05, 2007

The 4th as seen from the 5th

Will I will post a few photos from the big independence day, and Meghan's birthday celebration over at Jackie's and Art's. I got Meghan a CD that she had asked for (Ashley Tisdale). After I saw the name of the album I thought hmmmm, how appropriate. It's called "Headstrong". Art grilled some hot dogs and chicken and with the other food everyone seemed to enjoy. Diane had to go to work but she and Marshall came by for some food and to give Meghan a present, and left early.