Monday, September 24, 2007

Well...Don't know if I can do better but....

Well...I don't know if I can do better.

Meghan got her "appliance" last week and has done rather well for 6 nights. Tonight her 6th night was probably the worse but it really only took about 10-15 minutes to settle down. She even had me singing to her, so you know she must have been desperate. Only 11 more weeks to go! That is until the next appointment at which time I fully expect him to say we will keep it on a few more months until the braces go on!

She has started to add more to her diet. She can now eat peanut butter sandwiches (pulled apart into tiny pieces - not bitten), and McDonald's nuggets (again, pulled apart). It hasn't seemed to stop her from eating chocolate - one piece got stuck in the appliance and I told her not to would melt.

We went shopping Saturday to make us both feel better. We even invited Jackie and Mother. We went to Kohl's (Jackie's new favorite store), then had lunch at Wendy's (Meghan could eat a baked potato and a Frosty), and then went to the Super WalMart in Brandon.

So, that's what we have been doing (minus a few hundred things).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had not heard anything about the "appliance". It sounds like she wears it all the time. Does she wear it inside her mouth, like braces, or does it have some external parts? I had braces when I was in High School, and I can still remember that even small adjustments needed getting used to. Tell Meghan we are thinking of her and we will keep a good thought for her.

7:28 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

I saw it and it doesn't look like what I thought it would. Looks like behind her upper front teeth and shaped like a whitish cylinder. Held on by bands of some type. Elizabeth will probably explain it better than me.

2:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The appliance does not come out until the orthodontist says it will. It is an appliance put in the roof of her mouth so her thumb will not go there. One Wed. we went and got spacers - 1 on top on each side in back. Next Wed. we went and they took spacers out, fitted a band around each top back molar and took an impression. The next Wed. we went and they put the appliance on - it is connected to the 2 bands with wire and the bands go around her back molars (top). Because it is in the roof of her mouth it makes her talk with a lisp.

6:43 PM  

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