Thursday, January 31, 2008

Is Anything Going On???

It's been a long time since anyone posted anything. So if someone does something different or interesting this weekend write a post.

Oh Blaine's birthday is Saturday and it's also Groundhog Day!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jenifer is off to Finland

Will Jenifer got on a plane and is headed off to Finland today. Marshall picked her up around 9:30 this morning and took her to the airport. I left work and met them there. Jenifer was at the check in when I came in, and Marshall was still parking the car. When Marshall come in we sat there in the lobby for a while and then went up to the gate with her. When she went to get on the shuttle we couldn't go with her so we left. I checked on her flight information and she got to Newark a little ahead of schedule and is now on the flight to Copenhagen, Denmark. She should get there around 1 tonight (around 7 am there). Will keep you posted.

Monday, January 14, 2008

More photos of "Baby Elizabeth" at 50

A photo of the birthday girl.

The "book ends". I should be somewhere in between them along with Scott, Thomas, and John.

Mother's "grand children" at the party.

Mother with Dot and Bob.

Virtual Finland

I had put in "helsinki finland" and somehow came up with Has a webcam on the South Harbor. Shows weather, etc but I can't read the temp as it's not like our degrees. We'll have to check on it now and then when Jen is over there.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

hello from meghan

Hello, this is Meghan. i am playing on the computer at jackie's house. art is watching the football game. bye!


Elizabeth's 50th Celebration

Here are some pictures and they should be self-explanatory. We missed those of you that were unable to be here. Elizabeth now has a well-stocked wine supply.
No, the fire dept not here to help celebrate but just as the first guest was pulling up a car let our neighbor out and, as he was smashed, he fell in the street & couldn't get up. They carted him away.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Now A Contributor!

I finally got on the Blog as a contributor!

Break out the Sangria!!! Hooray!!

Thanks, Scott.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Just in "Case" you wanted to see our cousin

Martin and Barbara came up with Case Bowman. I got by Mother's to take a few photos, and here are a couple of them.

Christmas day at Elizabeth's

Here are a few of my photos from the Christmas get together at baby sister's. Not much commentary for these. Everyone should know who is who.

Happy Healthy New Year!!!!

I'm making Hopin John today so if anyone isn't and wants some I'll share.

Great picture of Blaine, Judy & Jen.

Does anyone know why with I click to sign in I don't have to sign in. I can just creat a new post.

Midnight Mass on Christmas

Here's a photo of Judy, Jenifer and me at church. This was after the service so this would be on Christmas morning.