Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jenifer is off to Finland

Will Jenifer got on a plane and is headed off to Finland today. Marshall picked her up around 9:30 this morning and took her to the airport. I left work and met them there. Jenifer was at the check in when I came in, and Marshall was still parking the car. When Marshall come in we sat there in the lobby for a while and then went up to the gate with her. When she went to get on the shuttle we couldn't go with her so we left. I checked on her flight information and she got to Newark a little ahead of schedule and is now on the flight to Copenhagen, Denmark. She should get there around 1 tonight (around 7 am there). Will keep you posted.


Blogger Jackie said...

As always, good pictures. I'm sure you will keep us posted on her arrival and any future reports on the other side of the world.

7:28 AM  
Blogger Blaine said...

This is a copy of some of our email from Jenifer.
"We got here about 11:30 in the morning. Just settling into our new apartment. Christina got here a liitle after me and we are still waiting for Nan. Jamie's flight gets in tomorrow. I will try to call when I can. Might not be for a couple of days. Weather is great, not nearly as cold as I thought. Apparently the sun came out for the first time today, just our luck!"

6:48 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Gee, I thought Finland would be a lot colder than that. Global warming I bet has robbed her of the 'true' Nordic experience!

Keep us all posted and Jenifer, if you read this, post some things on the blog. We are all interested in hearing about your experience in Finland.

Laura and I plan to come to Europe sometime this year, but will probably stay in warm sunny Spain. Maybe you could take some time and come down?

10:01 AM  

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