Saturday, January 12, 2008

Elizabeth's 50th Celebration

Here are some pictures and they should be self-explanatory. We missed those of you that were unable to be here. Elizabeth now has a well-stocked wine supply.
No, the fire dept not here to help celebrate but just as the first guest was pulling up a car let our neighbor out and, as he was smashed, he fell in the street & couldn't get up. They carted him away.


Blogger Blaine said...

You need to go up a notch in size. Mother can hardly see these small ones when she is over. You're not using the space next to it for text anyway. Take a look at mine. I use "medium" and "centered" for those.

10:41 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Thank you. I used to send giant pictures and didn't know I had a choice. I'll change the next time.
Art wants to talk to you sometime about geneology. He looked up his grandfather on and realized how much they charged to join and get more info.
Told him you knew a lot of free ways to find more info.

7:33 PM  

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