Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Photos of Saint Louis

Just in time for Christmas I will post some of the photos that I took up at Saint Louis when I went to get Jenifer last week.

A photo of me and Jenifer at dinner after she picked me up from the bus. One of her friends took it at a Vietnamese restaurant that we met them at.

An early morning photo of the area across the street from Jenifer's apartment that she moved out of. Notice the snow that was still on the ground when I was there.

Jenifer's apartment building. She was on the third floor in the rear. There is a laundry on the ground floor and another business next to it on the other side of the entrance to the stairways.

The main building at Washington University in St. Louis with a snow man out front.

A sunset on the trip back home.


Blogger Jackie said...

Great pictures! Now I'm looking forward to pictures of Finland...and then Argentina. So Jen make sure you have a camera.


Does anyone know why that little person in a wheelchair (that's what it looks like to me) is next to the word verification box?

8:13 AM  
Blogger Blaine said...

That's a handicap symbol. If you click on it you can type the numbers that you hear instead of the letters. (I don't know exactly how it would work. If you are blind you can't see the symbol.)

11:38 AM  

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