Sunday, December 09, 2007

Jen's Christmas List

I needed an excuse to take a break from studio so I thought I'd post my list.

long underwear (S top, M bottom)
solid black scarf and gloves
wool socks

Under the Blacklight, Rilo Kiley
Oh You’re So Silent Jens, Jens Lekman
Fantastic Playroom, New Young Pony Club

Design Like You Give a Damn, Architecture for Humanity

It's getting down to the wire so I hope more people post their lists soon. I still don't know what insert name here wants so if you don't want a WashU t-shirt for Christmas, I'd get to it.

Love you all, Jen


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Jen - what you don't get for Christmas or buy yourself, come over and see what I have. I have some long underwear (you can always use an extra pair), and a couple pairs of wool socks. Wool sweaters too. I have a couple catalogs you could look at - Landsend and Shalie - or go on-line, they look like they have good stuff.

9:23 PM  

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