Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Almost Time!!

We are all set (almost) to fly to NC. Scott, I don't know if you got my email about our flight Thurs. because I kept getting a notice that it wasn't deliverable. We will be arriving Charlotte at 5:09 p.m. on United 2440. It says United Arilines Operated by US Airways, so I don't really know what that means as far as where you look for us. We are all very excited and I know it will be cold (for us and Laura but not you Scott), so I keep packing all these clothes. I think in the a.m. I will have to unpack some things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, It is cold, but not Dante-last-circle of-hell cold, like it can be. Highs will be in the 50's, lows in the 30's. The problem up in the High Country is the wind. We have a few extra warm things so don't load yourself up too much. I know Miss M. will want some choices though. I can hardly believe you all will be here today. Have a good trip.

7:33 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

I don't know what Laura is talking about. This place is 10 degrees warmer than Boone, and Boone is not the Arctic Circle. The coldest it ever got there since I've lived here is -14.

Anyway, the e-mail actually went through so I will pick you up at the airport. I'll send you an e-mail with some other info.

See you this afternoon.

8:47 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

I don't know what Laura is talking about. This place is 10 degrees warmer than Boone, and Boone is not the Arctic Circle. The coldest it ever got there since I've lived here is -14.

Anyway, the e-mail actually went through so I will pick you up at the airport. I'll send you an e-mail with some other info.

See you this afternoon.

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cant' wait! Yes, I have always given Meghan choices - so I'm making her carry 2 bags! And I'm not sure what planet Scott is from and where his idea of cold comes from - we are bringing our hats and gloves and socks (and our jackets). See you soon.

9:16 AM  

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