Sunday, November 04, 2007

Our Trip To Austin

Good grief it worked but these pics are huge. How to I get them smaller. The icon did come up but it was BEHIND the blog!

Had a fantastic time with the beautiful Austin family. Art, not being used to 8-9 hr days playing with a 3-year-old was exhausted and sore nightly. Even a bruise on his arm from carrying her around. Wish I had taken a picture of his face when she said "granddad would you carrying me on your shoulders?" He had the best time of his to West Palm Beach. I have been trying this week to put pictures on the blog but nothing happened when I clicked on the picuture icon. I will post this anyway and if you don't see pictures would be please tell me what's wrong and help fix it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I guess you figured it out. Pics are great - not too big. I especially like the one of Art at the beauty shop.

4:06 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

What wonderful pictures. Tell Art I know how he feels after taking a three year old to the park on one of our hottest days. She was in constant motion for an hour and a half while I tried my best just to stay motionless and watch her. I ended up carrying her back to the car and Laura nearly died laughing at how completely frazzled and whipped I looked when I got her home!

That's a great look your granddaughter has setting on her Dad's lap. And now I am going to have to figure out how to put pictures on the blog, if you can do it.

BTW, has anyone else noticed how much you look like Jane in that picture? And Art looks ... stunning. There's just no other world for it.

9:41 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

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9:42 PM  

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