Tuesday, October 16, 2007

We are expecting you!

We will be all set for Mother and Elizabeth and Meghan. You can all stay at the Hampton Inn, it is about a block or so from our house, or Meghan can stay for one of her sleep-overs if she wishes. Or either Mother or Elizabeth can stay for a sleep-over if they feel the need to be on their own.

By then the Quigleys should be back in town so maybe we can get Maggie and Meghan together. There are lots of things for kids to do if the weather is nice. If not we can take them to the pool at the Y - or something.

Did Blaine and Judy get back on the Internet? Are they following Maggie's adventures in Vietnam? They seem to be having a great time but I expect Maggie to get homesick, oh, right about ... NOW. The pictures they have put up of the orphanage in Danang and their stay in Hanoi are very interesting. Apparently someone at the orphanage likes to give the kids names of well known Vietnamese, so young Tun Duong is named after a popular singer everyone knows of. Like naming him Michael Jackson or Brittany Spears I suppose.

Anyway - we are looking forward to the visit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at Blaine and Judy's Sun. night for dinner. The computer was working but I don't know if he was able to get on the net. He showed us the billion pictures they had taken on their trip. I have been following their trip though. BTW Scott - I keep sending you emails and keep getting "undeliverable" returned to me. It's happened a few times - I know you got at least one of them. Are you having problems? or maybe you have just decided to block me. I was curious if the hotel had a pool that was inside and heated? It thought the website said it had a pool.

7:48 PM  

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