Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Some News from North Carolina

Since there seems to be an effort to overcome our dry spell on the blog, I'll add our news. I am back at work. Can't say that I really like it. I have three classes, one with 150 students. At least that gives me two teaching assistants and I can get them to do most of the work.

Laura has a big black eye! She accidentally hit her face right at the edge of her eye with a DVD case while working at the library and it suddenly puffed up and looked like she'd been hit by a baseball bat. I am sure that when she went to church the next day all her friends thought she just made up the story to hide the fact that I've been beating her.

She also has a deep cut on her back where the dermatologist removed a spot weeks ago. It is not healing much at all. She has been back to the Doctor several times and she has cleaned it up and given her lots of antibiotics. We are going to see if there is any improvement this coming week.

Last, and not least, our friends the Quiggleys have gotten the final approval to adopt little Duong (pronounced like Marshall's middle name I think), who will now be Michael Duong Keiran Quiggley. They leave for Vietnam to pick him up a week from Friday. Laura is almost as excited as they are. It's almost like getting another Vietnamese in the family.

Tonight at the Mellow Mushroom I tried to tell Maggie the story of how Blaine met Judy, and how long he spent in Vietnam. She seemed interested, but I am not sure how much she understood.

That's about all that is interesting up here. Anyone else?


Blogger Jackie said...

So impressed that you have a class of 150 students! You must be something to have that many that crave your presense. Sorry about Laura's black eye. I bump into things daily and have bruses on my arm legs etc and wonder if people think Art did them. I will be sure to check your "grandkid's" blog to keep up with the adoption trip. How exciting!

4:27 PM  
Blogger Clemens said...

It's a required class and all sections fill up, so they have to take it. Most had no idea who or what I am.

11:22 PM  

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