Sunday, October 07, 2007

An Update from Vietnam

Our friend Maggie has arrived in Hanoi and except for being utterly exhausted she and her folks are doing just fine. They will travel down to Da Nang to find Micky. Here is part of what Mary says about arriving:

We have, at long last, made it to Vietnam. Our flight actually arrived in a few minutes early, so we had to wait a bit to be met at the airport. Maggie loved the ride into Hanoi from the airport -- we passed by rice paddies, water buffalo pulling carts down the main streets, and mopeds, mopeds and more mopeds. They easily outnumber cars 8:1, and most were carrying entire families! Even now, on the 13th floor of the hotel, I can hear nothing but horns honking as cars and mopeds try not to run into each other.

The hotel/apartment is great. We just took it easy today and even made our own dinner. Tomorrow we'll be much more adventurous. And now I've gotten online, but guess what? Blogspot has realized that I am using a Vietnamese IP address, so has "helpfully" translated all of its directions into Vietnamese. I figured we'd learn "please" and "thank you" first, and maybe "hello," but instead my first Vietnamese vocabulary is "Bài đăng Mới" which means "edit blog" I think, and "Xem Blog" which definitely means "view blog."

I suppose we should ask if Blaine or Judy are up on the latest Vietnamese terms for computer commands. Maggie will probably be speaking at least a few words of Vietnamese when she gets back. We will invite her down for a sleepover so she can tell us all about her trip. In the meantime you can check here for their adventures.


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