Saturday, October 13, 2007

Maggie's new brother

Maggie's mother has written a number of nice long posts on the Mickey Miggs blog - she has included some nice pictures of their new boy - now officially Michael Duong Ciaran Quigley.

Here is Maggie's take on the situation with her new brother:

The best parts about Mickey are:
I love him
He drinks quietly
He cries for his food
I get to hold him sometimes
We both like to play little piggies

Love, Maggie

Everyone, especially Mickey (I want to call him Miguelito) seems to be adjusting splendidly. Check out their blog, but in case you don't, here's Maggie and Mickey (Laura says he looks like a little Buddhist monk).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've gone to their travel blogs several times and looked at all the new pictures last night. He looks like a very happy and quiet baby. I'm sure they are anxious to get him home.

9:21 AM  

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