Monday, October 22, 2007

More pictures of me than Judy?

Yes, by my rough count there were 60 photos that had me in them, and 59 that had Judy in them. Yes, I know its hard to believe, but she got bored at the reunion brunch, and was holding Jenifer's camera, which was a little easier for her to function with. After a few comments from me (all very calmly put of course) she was doing real well with it. I think we will keep the camera for Judy to use, and let Jenifer get a newer one for her overseas trips.

Of course I now need to post some of the photos from the trip for everyone to see. Since my computer is now cleaned up by Marshall and my Internet service is now back up I have no excuses.


Blogger Scott said...

Nice pictures. Glad you found some fall color. It was late getting here. The end of this week will probably be the peak.

BTW, I didn't realize that Judy was so much younger than your.

8:55 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

I told someone that my brother was coming to the reunion with his wife and that please speak to her because she didn't know anyone. I said "look for Blaine with a pig tail & his much much younger looking movie star wife"

3:16 PM  

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