Saturday, October 27, 2007

Maggie in Vietnam - this time Hue

We have been following the adventures of our friends the Quigleys in Vietnam. The US government is holding up their departure indefinitely so they can investigate the adoption. Apparently the weeks and months they had to check out little Mickey wasn't enough time. So they have to stay at least one more week in Hanoi. They decided to go down to Hue for the weekend and are loving the old imperial city. They are staying at a very nice hotel that was the French governor's residence. Because of the war damage a lot of the city has been rebuilt but Mary says some parts are still in ruins.

We called them last night to see how they are doing. The young lady who answered the phone for the hotel spoke English which was a little surprising because most of their foreign guests are French. Come to think of it, the Vietnamese may enjoy talking to the French in English since Mary told me the they still seem to resent the French more than they do the Americans.

Anyway, we had a great time talking to them. Maggie was very sweet on the phone. She says she likes her little brother and seems to assume without question that she is a great big sister. I asked her if Mickey liked her and she said "Of course he does."

She will have to stay in Hanoi for Halloween so we boxed up her costume and one for Mickey and another one Laura bought for another American forced to stay over and Fed Exed them to get there in time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great trip to Washington. Looking forward to our trip. Let me know if you need me to rent a car instead of picking us up at the airport.

10:38 AM  

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