Saturday, October 27, 2007

Other news from North Carolina

We are getting ready for a costume party tonight at school. Not sure what I will be. I thought that I could wear my one suit and go as a political candidate, but that may be too scary. Laura's back is healing better this time so she is in pretty good spirits. The weather suddenly has turned very fall like, not too cold but crisp and clear so the trees all look beautiful. The drought seems to have brought out the best of the colors. Don't know if any of them will be left when Meghan gets here but there may be some.

We have gotten rain for most of the week which has raised the level of the big lake nearby by about 2 feet. Everyone is grateful and would like to see some more.

We leave for Washington next Thursday and then the weekend after are looking forward to seeing Mother, Elizabeth and Meghan. We assume Maggie will be back from Vietnam by then. I will post some more stuff over on Not Mayberry but I have been so busy lately that I have neglected it lately. We hope everything is going well down in Tampa.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very confused about the blog. Last night I posted a comment here; this morning it was not there; this afternoon it was there; tonight it is not here.

9:41 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

I don't know. My e-mail at work has been screwed up, but that shouldn't effect any of this. Try again. You made your reservations didn't you? I don't think you will need a rental car. I am pretty sure I can pick you up in plenty of time and once you are here you can use one of our cars if you really need to go off on your own.

Let us know so we can tell if the blogger comment thing is working.

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I made the reservations - plane and hotel. I will try to email you the plane intinerary so you have the times and flight numbers. Also, you asked what we might like to do. One thing I think Meghan might enjoy is one of thse gemstone places that you get a bucket of dirt and look for a gem. I don't know if any are that close to you - I know there is a place called Linville Caverns and another called Emerald Village. Also, what about Mystery Hill - is that something you think is interesting? We can decide once we get there.

8:22 PM  
Blogger Mary, Martin, Maggie and Mickey said...

Ok, I'm sneaking a word in here as an honorary member of the Scott/Laura branch of the Jessee clan. Mystery Hill is fun for a few hours (but it made me seasick), and while Linville Caverns are a long way from Wilkesboro (not so far from Boone), Maggie has always enjoyed a trip there.

Other fun things for kids in the area:
Hwy 321 Bypass, Blowing Rock, 295-0040
Paint-it-yourself pottery

Foggy Mountain Gem Mine
3452 US Hwy 322 S, Blowing Rock, 265-3099
Pan dirt for gems

Hwy 421-321, Vilas, 297-3296
Cost: $6 admission, $1 to rent skates

Indoor swimming is available at two places. If the weather cooperates, there are some very short walks from parking places on the Parkway to neat things like waterfalls.

And I hear going to the Mellow Mushroom with Scott is an especial favorite with kids!

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh thank your you for suggestions! I think of you as family anyway - I have been checking your blog every day! Mickey is adorable and Maggie is beautiful - I know Meghan would love to meet her. Foggy Mtn Gem Mine sounds perfect (especially if it's closer). Everything else sounds fun too, and I think we would really enjoy seeing a waterfall. I'm bringing my Mellow Mushroom t-shirt and will be disappointed if we do not go there.

8:41 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Yes, those are about the places I would have recommended. Swimming at the Y is just a few blocks from our place and from where you will be staying. Mystery Hill I have heard is not great for adults but kids, even fairly old kids, love it.
the mining place is also supposed to be fun.

And of course we will get Maggie and Meghan together at least once, somewhere. We are looking forward to seeing everyone.


3:22 PM  

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