Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving at Blaine & Judy's

We are all stuffed as usual. Here are some pictures. Hope all of you that were missing had a lot of turkey with all the trimmings. Thomas & Gail were a bit late as her Mother had to go to hospital & stay overnight for observation. Don't know what is wrong.
Can anyone tell me how to make these pictures smaller. The pics others post aren't this big.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, that was fast! When I post, it gives me a choice of small, medium or large pics. I chose small for my pics from NC.

5:45 PM  
Blogger Clemens said...

Thanks for the pictures, they look great. Are there any more coming? Blaine? Elizabeth?

We went up to Maggie and Mary's for lunch of pumpkin soup. I think they both really wanted someone to be there for Thanksgiving. I spent most of the time playing with Maggie. Later we went up to our friends in Boone and had a big turkey dinner. The whole day was a lot of fun.

Today we are going to see "Enchanted" with Joanna and Maggie. Sorry I don't do pictures.

Maggie still occasionally tells her mom that she misses Meghan!

12:13 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Look Scott if I can do pics (it did take a while to get it right) I'm sure you DR JESSEE can do it. Just click on that little icon for picture at top of where you are writing and then you browse, find pic and download it.

Art thought Enchanted look good so let us see your review.

Thanks, Elizabeth I will look for small, etc next time. If fact I have some I didn't post & will try it.

12:38 PM  

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