Sunday, December 02, 2007

Maggie and friends on CNN

Our friend Maggie is still waiting for her brother to be released from Vietnam by the US government. Martin is still over there with little Micky. On Tuesday Mary will fly over to give Martin a chance to come home so he can get back to work. We are going to be taking care of Maggie for four days. It should be fun. What could go wrong?

There are other couples who are in the same fix as Maggie's family. One of them who the Quigley's got to know while they are over there have been on CNN. You can watch the TV spot here. Right in the middle of it is a still shot of the Quigley family and a few others. It is not a very flattering shot of Maggie but I guess they had to go with what they have.

You will notice the explanation of what the US government is concerned about. Since in Micky's case they have been handed multiple documents covering the point of concern, I am coming to believe that the government just wants to punish people for dealing with the Vietnamese government. But perhaps I am a bit too cynical.


Blogger Jackie said...

I was unable to watch this CNN video on your Not Mayberry blog nor on this one. It just keeps saying "loading". Does it take a long time? Am I just not waiting long enought? I just can't believe that they aren't able to bring Micky home. Unreal!

7:11 AM  
Blogger Clemens said...

It takes a fairly fast computer to handle video files so that is probably all that is wrong. You may have to wait quite awhile. Elizabeth's or Blaine's might work better, esp if Blaine finally broke down and got a new super duper computer.

I assume Marshall's computer will do everything if he uses it for graphics.

11:50 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Mine worked fine and I don't think I have a super duper computer - but I do have Verizon FiOS broadband connection! Anyone interested? I get credit if I refer you.

8:16 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Well heck...I'll try again as I also have Verizon broadband and computer that's only 1-1/2 years old. Must have just been impatient.

5:29 AM  

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