Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tom Jessee?

Actually this is just an update since we haven't posted for awhile. I am not even doing very well at posting on Not Mayberry. But I was doing a google image search for 'Jessee' and got some interesting results. Did anyone know that there is a Tom Jessee who is the women's basketball coach at the University of Tampa? In the picture he doesn't look anything like any of the Jessees I know.

There is also a lot of stuff on the Jessee family of Russell Co. Virginia, but I am assuming that Blaine knows all about it, and has already contacted all the people involved.

Anyway - not all that much has been going on here. We will be leaving for Tampa on the 8th and will stay for a week. I hope Jenifer will still be in town. We want to know all about the trip to Finland and all about the coming trip to Argentina. One of the magazines we read rated it as a vacationer's bargain. But that was before jet fuel went up so high.


Blogger Blaine said...

I went over to the University of Tampa to a basketball game a year or so back and spoke to "Tom Jessee". I heard about him when someone at worked thought that my brother Tom was the basketball coach. His family is from up in West Virginia and I am sure that there is a relationship, but have not figured out what it is.

7:56 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

There were several Jessee families - one spelling their name Jessie- who had a lot of genealogical stuff on the original John Jessee and his 15 children, at least one of whom had 15 children (3 of whom married Gilmers). One of the boys went out to Kentucky so there are lots of them out there.

It was interesting, but could suck up a lot of time tracing them out. One of the Jessee's shows up as an escaped con in a newspaper article, one was a newsman in Missouri who was a friend of Harry Truman, and one is a professional skateboarder.

Makes you think, doesn't it.

11:11 AM  

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