Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving Holidays


Blogger Jackie said...

Saw this early early this a.m. but waiting until a reasonable hour to comment.

It was a wonderful Thanksgiving...great food and great company.

We did miss Scott, Laura and Jen but Christmas will be here soon.

Please a Christmas Wish List so those with your name will get you something you desire and not something to return.

3:41 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

We were wondering who is holding the magic wand with the little hand pointed directly at Art's head.

I suppose we should be thankful it is the index finger that is raised.

10:37 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Surprise! Meghan! I thought the same thing also about the digits. When you are home I will tell you a funny story about this when she was younger.

I thought it was a nose scratcher.
Don't forget "things I wish for myself at Christmas"

4:55 AM  

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