Saturday, March 07, 2009

Hair we go again....

It has been almost two years since I cut my hair last. Most people don't notice how long it has gotten since I keep it pulled back in a little "pony tail", and it curls up so that it doesn't look as long as it is. To clarify this for some of you I am posting some photos of my hair (no applause). The first is from the front with it tied back so that it looks short. The next is from the side and you can see it where the hair is curled up in the pony tail. The next is with it combed out and you can see where I have pulled some of it down on the side. (Yes, Jackie, I know that looking at this must be a shock to you system at whatever ungodly hour you get up and see the last photo.)


Blogger Jackie said...

Not a shock because I came to your house one day and I thought it was some singer (his name has escaped me)standing there with your hair down. But it sure wasn't this long!

6:26 AM  
Blogger Blaine said...

You can tell that this was the weekend of the time change. Jackie didn't post until almost 6:30 AM. Of course that was 5:30 to her.

1:20 PM  

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