Tuesday, March 03, 2009

It's Time

Time for a new picture even if it's only "Princess" Pebbles. She was asleep in her "veranda room" and it was rather cold (but not as cold as Laura was/is) so he needed to cover her. She was like this for hours it seemed.


Blogger Jackie said...

"He" is of course Art. Proofreading is helpful.

4:50 PM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Gee, you're so desperate to have something new on the blog that you are writting your own comments before anyone else can.

8:39 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

You are right. I was rushing to beat you.

4:19 AM  
Blogger Clemens said...

And I thought Mosby was spoiled.

No, I take that back. She builds her own little Mosby shaped huts in the blankets. The Ben tries to take them over.

9:22 PM  

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