Saturday, January 30, 2010


So it's been 3-weeks since Mother fell breaking 2 ribs; also getting a pretty bad leg wound, elbow cut and many bruises. She fell in the middle of the night and hit a little table but was able to get up and call Blaine to come over; once he realized she was having trouble breathing he called 911 and they took her to the ER were they x-rayed, gave her pain meds and sent her home. Since then, Blaine, Jackie and myself have been taking turns staying with her 24-hrs (Blaine has done the most during the middle of the week). We have found a couple ladies who have just started coming some days to relieve Blaine and sometimes at stayed last night(Friday). They are also able to help get her a shower. She is doing great in the day and able to get up out of the chair by herself now and walk around with her cane; but still needs help getting out of bed at night (she gets up 2-5 times during the night). The first weekend she had a bad reaction to the pain med which made her nauseous and she had to stop taking it (couldn't eat or drink anything for about 24-hrs). Last weekend she had a bladder infection and had to get medicine for that. Anyway, she is progressing quite well - has seen the doctor a couple times and has been to the "wound center" for her leg (Jackie and Blaine have helped get her to appointments). She appreciates everyone's calls and prayers.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More Christmas

Dixie looking at our Christmas tree

Our Christmas tree in Lakeland

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Update from Siberia, formerly known as Boone, NC

Laura and I just got back from a lovely overnight in Boone. I love it. Laura seems to be paging through the yellow pages looking for a lawyer.

When we got there about 7pm the temp was 11, with windchill driving it down to well below zero. It was also snowing. We had dinner with the Quigley's at the Mellow Mushroom. Maggie latched on to me, Laura latched on to Mary who was happy to have a sane adult female to talk to.

Then we went over to the Holiday Inn and found a room and were in by 8. Laura had a lot to say about the weather and the state of our marriage for me bringing her up there. The next time I have surgery it has to be between the months of April and September, or in Florida.

The next morning we mushed through the snow to the hospital and I had my cataract surgery. No problems, but Laura had to drive me home through the snow. The nurses told me just to close my one good eye and everything would be fine. Actually, it was. Laura did great, and the streets were fairly clear.

So now I am recovering, milking this for all the TLC I can possibly get. But I look a little bit like The Fly, halfway through transition with a great big round metal shield over my eyes.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Christmas Day at Elizabeth's

Jenifer and Meghan

Mother and Thomas

Laura wearing Christmas antlers