Saturday, January 30, 2010


So it's been 3-weeks since Mother fell breaking 2 ribs; also getting a pretty bad leg wound, elbow cut and many bruises. She fell in the middle of the night and hit a little table but was able to get up and call Blaine to come over; once he realized she was having trouble breathing he called 911 and they took her to the ER were they x-rayed, gave her pain meds and sent her home. Since then, Blaine, Jackie and myself have been taking turns staying with her 24-hrs (Blaine has done the most during the middle of the week). We have found a couple ladies who have just started coming some days to relieve Blaine and sometimes at stayed last night(Friday). They are also able to help get her a shower. She is doing great in the day and able to get up out of the chair by herself now and walk around with her cane; but still needs help getting out of bed at night (she gets up 2-5 times during the night). The first weekend she had a bad reaction to the pain med which made her nauseous and she had to stop taking it (couldn't eat or drink anything for about 24-hrs). Last weekend she had a bladder infection and had to get medicine for that. Anyway, she is progressing quite well - has seen the doctor a couple times and has been to the "wound center" for her leg (Jackie and Blaine have helped get her to appointments). She appreciates everyone's calls and prayers.


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