Saturday, December 19, 2009

Our dog is a lunatic

But most of you knew that, didn't you.

I took him out for a walk this morning, about 10 am. We wonder off into the woods, he is having fun with new odors and whatnot, when it begins to snow hard. He is delighted. Romps and chomps all over the place, wants to stay out in it for nearly an hour. Doesn't want to get back into the car.

This afternoon about 4:30 we have about 5 inches on the ground and it is still coming. He wants his walk. Laura thinks I should just walk him around in the yard a few times. Ha. He had other ideas. He tears off down the road full tilt, showing a great deal more energy than we can usually get out him. He wants to play, and dives into the drifts head first, all the way to his ears. He loves this kind of weather.

Laura thinks he is too much like me.


Anonymous Elizabeth said...

If I let Meghan see this post about the snow and Leo, she will be begging me to come visit. She wants to see snow and she wants a dog.

9:26 AM  
Blogger Blaine said...

This suprises me, Elizabeth. I didn't see the dog on the gift list that you posted for her.

5:49 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Just heard 10 inches in Wilks & 20 in Boone and they're heading to warmer weather Sunday. Perhaps the dog is on Bob's wish list.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Jackie you are being redundant. Scott just said in the post before this one that they had 10 inches there.

11:03 PM  

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