Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Gail's Christmas Wish List

Since Elizabeth started it, I guess I will post what I would like Santa to bring me.

1- Gift card from fabric store - like Hancock's or JoAnn's

2- Gift card from Wal-Mart

Well, there you have it. Happy Christmas shopping!!


Anonymous Elizabeth said...

Thank you anyone else going to post a list?

3:28 PM  
Blogger Gail said...

This is Thomas. Since my wife stated
this, here tis',

1) Donate the money for a gift to
an organization that helps wounded
veterans of our current overseas
adventures. I will try and list

2) The book "An American Knight,
the life of Colonel John W. Ripley."
Better yet, get the book and read it.

3) Gift certificates for Home Depot,
Lowes, or Borders or Barnes and Noble.

4:37 PM  

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