Sunday, August 22, 2010

Another old photo of the young "Mark Twain",.......

....Scott of course. Here he is in his best "Sunday go to meeting" clothes with a chicken bone in his nose .. er, mouth. This was in the front yard where we were having an at home picnic next to the Linden tree.


Blogger Mary, Martin, Maggie and Mickey said...

Note to Scott -- no more making fun a certain adorable son of mine and his tendency to shed his clothes!

10:53 PM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Good point Mary, but you forgot to mention a similarity in table manners.

11:24 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

1. I never sang odes of praise to my food, the way some little kid I know did.
2. I still have something on.
3. I am not the one who put a picture of my adorable son up on a blog sans culottes.

Otherwise you may have a point.

7:06 AM  
Blogger Mary, Martin, Maggie and Mickey said...

Um Scott, re. #3, I think your brother did it for you.

10:33 AM  
Blogger Blaine said...

No, no, Scott, don’t bother to thank me for posting this for you. I didn’t mind at all.

8:27 PM  

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