Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Big "Triple J" Party

Yes, it's Jackie, John, and Jenifer's birthday in July, so we had one big party for the three of them. I won't say how old any of them are, but the three of them add up to one hundred fifty one. (Wow, that's a lot.)

Jenifer, Jackie, and John (John is the one with the mustache)

Blowing out the candles
I know. That is a lot of hot air for three little candles, but we had to get them all involved. (Jackie did have to set down to catch her breath after this). John, when you bend over like that and I can see the top of your head, it appears that you are developing my "problem".

Jenifer and Gail watching TV

Elizabeth with her hair decorations
No, she didn't do this on her own, she had help. Meghan, do you know anything about this?

Judy and Marshall looking at his "toy"


Blogger Jackie said...

Captions are almost better than the pics.

3:02 PM  
Blogger Clemens said...

So, what is Marshall's toy?

11:16 PM  
Anonymous Elizabeth said...

Same as Meghan's.....iPod

7:31 PM  

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