Monday, June 14, 2010

Laura is visiting Tampa

Laura arrived in Tampa yesterday evening. This morning she took her sister Diana over to the hospital for the surgery. Everything went well and she should be released from the hospital on Wednesday. She will be recuperating with Laura's help for about three weeks. Laura will probably have to wait until next week to try to see Mother. Now that Mother seems to be up and about, even going to the beach, I think they may be able to get out to some place other than Steak N Shake. But I could be wrong.

As for me and Leo, we are having a wonderful time. Even though life is a living hell without Laura. And the fact that I have to walk that silly dog twice a day. And feed him. And clean out the cats litter box. And iron my own shirts. And cook. Actually, that last is fun. I've always liked to cook - or at least since I sat down for an hour or so with a nutritionist when I discovered I had high cholesterol.

Anyway, check out Not Mayberry for the adventures of Scotty and Leo.


Anonymous Laura said...

Diana is home and feeling good. Dr. Campbell says Diana is cured; Dr. C took a few lymph nodes to check and all were free of cancer. Thank you all for good thoughts and prayers.

2:59 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Laura & Diana....I couldn't be more thrilled to hear Dr. C (who I believe walks on water)words!

I'm still chuckling at Scott's post so now to Not Mayberry...

4:40 PM  
Blogger Mary, Martin, Maggie and Mickey said...

Great news, Tia Carmen. We (which is to say Maggie) will do our best to look after Scott while you look after Diana.

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Laura said...

Thank you, Jackie. EVERYBODY loves Dr. Campbell. I'll come to tea-time as soon as I can. Maybe, Diana will come too- she is getting bored already, I think.
Thank you, Mary. Don't spoil him too much. I want him to miss me a little. Miss Mags has grown up in her week away- sigh!

9:58 AM  
Blogger Clemens said...

Mags has personally invited me over for dinner tomorrow. So my life has not come to a total end.

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Laura said...

When I talked to Maggie about cooking for you, she couldn't think of anything that she knew how to cook. I think we had decided on toast before her mom reminded her about being able to make mac 'n cheese. Have fun!

10:01 AM  

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