Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Mother makes a trip to the beach

Mother got out today and made a trip over to the beach. Jackie and Art, Elizabeth and Meghan, and Linda Sue and her grand daughter Olivia are over there for the week, and Jenifer and I drove Mother over for the day. She seemed to have a good time and didn't seem all that worn out from the outing. It was very hot, but the humidity was down. Meghan and Olivia were "best buds" and spent a lot of time in the pool. Here are a few of the photos that I took.

The Beach (As if you couldn't tell)

Olivia and Meghan

Linda Sue and Mother

Jackie and Art

Huge sand turtle(No, we didn't make it)


Blogger Jackie said...

With rescued Pebbles from the "Vet Hotel", we're home! Good time! Good weather!

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Elizabeth/Meghan said...

Good time, good weather....we are also back and have retrieved Bob from our vet. Now, onto our next adventure....Disney with the Girl Scout troop. Actually it will be Hollywood Studios today/night and not sure what else....missed the Magic Kingdom yesterday.

11:07 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

Is there some secret school where little girls are taught how to pose for pictures?

11:35 PM  

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