Sunday, April 18, 2010

Coming to Tampa

It looks like Laura and I may be coming down to Tampa in time for Emmy's graduation. We will drive, but are not planning on bringing Leo (fortunately he has a friend who he loves to go visit, even though she has a cat who stares him down). We are thinking of going to the Animal Kingdom on our way back. We'll let you all know if our plans come through.

Today we went to see "How to Train to Train Your Dragon" today. We watched it in, as the ad says, "Classic 2-D"! The Night Fury Dragon looked just like our little cat Ben. Really. Right down to the head butting scene near the end.


Anonymous Elizabeth said...

What fun! I'd offer you Meghan's suggestions for Animal Kingdom but I doubt that either of you would want to go on the rides she finds the most fun. When will you be here?

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Laura said...

I've already nixed the roller coaster with the Yeti. Should get to Tampa Friday the 7th in the afternoon. Emily's graduation is at 9 am (9 am!) on Saturday. Will leave Monday mid-day and spend Tuesday at the Animal Kingdom. At least, that is the plan today. I hope we are still welcomed at Mother's without Leo.

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Elizabeth said...

Well, with no Leo don't expect the warm welcome you are use's like me coming without Meghan. The Yeti ride I liked. You should definitely go on the safari.

6:52 PM  
Blogger Clemens said...

Is there a ride where you can be entertained by chimps while sipping a gin and tonic and reading "A Study of History"?

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a ride like that. You can
do it at home. Just watch CSpan
with debates in congress. I would
suggest something a little stronger
to sip on.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Clemens said...

What? Leave out the tonic?

11:58 PM  

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