Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pictures from Olustee

Thomas walking the line with the "Sword"
prior to the soldiers marching to the battlefield.

Thomas in the Military camp preparing to
leave for the battle.

Here is some of the items for sale on Sutlers Row.
One can do some SERIOUS shopping.

Morning Military Colors on Sunday -
James Permane (US) and Thomas.
Saturday was TOO COLD for me, so
I stayed in my nice gas-heated warm tent!

This is Friday and it rained ALL DAY!
It was a light constant rain and the roads into
the Park became MUD WALLOWS.
DOT to the rescue as they came in & graded the
ruts & added new fill.

This was the Ladies Tea on Saturday.
Yes it was cold under the tent.
This is also where they hold the Military Ball - open air -
and in the 30s! Once you get to dancing it isn't too bad
or so they TELL me. I stayed 'you know where'.

This called a 'Shebang' & 3 soldiers slept in it even when it
was 27 degrees at night


Blogger Jackie said...

I should have look at ALL pics before I inquired as to the temp! Brrrrr! That 1st one with Thomas going down the line is just really special.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Jenifer said...

Forget Thomas, I LOVE the picture with all the hats! So fun.

(I liked the picture of Tommy too)

7:14 PM  
Blogger John Clare Stokes said...

To let you know I've posted my photos at
John Stokes Photography@smugmug
Many of you and Tom.
Enjoyed meeting you!

11:25 PM  

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