Friday, March 12, 2010

Mother writes on the blog! Sort of.

[Here are two letters that Mother wrote some time ago with the little computerized typewriter I gave her. I was using it tonight and saw that the files are still on the machine. I don't think she ever actually got it printed up. I am posting it here so that there is a least a sample of her writing on this blog, which was created in her name. The first one was to two old friends of her's children. ]

I'll write one letter to both of you at same time. You are both my young friends taking care of your Mothers in Nursing Homes and taking full responsibility of them. They are both my dear old friends. Thanks to each of you for the lovely valentines and notes You know how glad I am to hear from you, and I did appreciate getting a valentine from you. I don't think I have gotten the hang of starting a new paragraph yet, but that will be my next step! I always liked to type and have missed it so this is a nice new step into the more "modern world." Meghan had Fri. and Mon. out of school for Pres. Day. She and Meghan went and were gone from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m.I don't think they missed many rides or seeing any animals. Jenifer is having a good time in Helsinke. She has 3 roommates--friends of hers from St. Louis. They had time before classes to sight-see and get used to the city. At first it didn't sound like it was so cold there, but I think that was a mistake. The pictures she has put on E-mail look cold, all bundled up! I'll finish this up and add a separate note to each of you.

[And here is one she wrote to me and Laura. Mother has always been known for her letters. Her dear friend Ruth Bowman once said that reading one of Helen's letters was just like having her in the room.]

Dear Scotty and Laura.

I have to get started somewhere trying this out so of course you all are my first choice. It's Sat, afternoon, and Elizabeth and Meghan are off to New Port Richey for the week-end at a Girl Scout Camp. I had a feeling Meghan was more excited than Elizabeth was! I went with them Tues. night to the Pancake Supper at St. Mary's and afterwards we took Meghan to Publix to meet with the Scout Group so they could do their shopping for he trip. Elizabeth and I did our own shopping. First time I had been to a grocery store at night for years. Quite an experience for me. I didn't realize how many people did their grocery shopping at night.

Blaine and Jackie are going to Church of Resurrection tonight for a Welcome dinner for the Bishop who is from Rawanda. I see him tomorrow at church. He is a dear man who had been through so much. He has written a book about his experiences. The church here does mission work there.

This big print was on the computer where Megan had used it and since I don't know exactly how to change it I'll just keep using it. I like that anyway It's what I need if I write to Louise. Her eye sight is worse from the glaucoma. Jackie has been taking me to the Doctors that I only go to once a year. Ears and hearing aids, eyes, skin and dentist. Everything checks out good, and I'm grateful for that! Maybe should call this quits for awhile. Hope I can get it off to you all soon. One more thing. Gail's Mother fell and was in the hospital. She isn't well enough to go back to the place she was in, but has been transferred to a type of Nursing Home.

Love and kisses, Mother

[So there they are. This is as close as I think we will get for having Mother write a blog post!]


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