Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Olustee from Civilian Camp

This is my cousin, Adrian, and I on Sutlers Row.
Her baby is not due until April, so I am
sure the little girl is going to be an Amazon by then.

My tent is just to the left in the photo.
Yes, these folks are setting up in the RAIN.
It rain is so light it can't hardly be seen,
but if you look close you can see the ground is all wet.
They are trying to get a fire started with WET

"Home Sweet Home" for me.
Notice the suspicious box out front?
It houses the gas tank for my heater.

My dressing table.

This is my bedside table with Valentine roses.

This is my brass bed. Under the bed coverings
is an air mattress and a heavy-duty sleeping bag.


Anonymous Laura said...

Gail, you clever, CLEVER woman! How great that you were able to create a cozy room in the middle of a cold bog. Kudos!

9:45 AM  
Blogger Gail said...

Laura: For me, this is as primitive as I get when I go camping! I had carpet on the floor and a small butane cook stove. So while everyone played in the rain, I made myself a nice cup of hot chocolate and stayed WARM!

4:46 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

So beautiful! Great pics. Wasn't it rather chilly up there that weekend?

6:18 PM  

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