Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Volleyball time again!

Yes, here are a few photos of Meghan playing volleyball for St. Mary's. She seems to be the tallest player this year. I just don't know what Elizabeth is feeding her.


Anonymous Elizabeth said...

Thanks for posting the pics Blaine. They had 3 matches this week. Monday (pics from this day) they won 2 games (they play best out of 3). Tuesday they lost 2 games (St. Johns - they have very good team - play like high school kids). And today they lost the match but won 1 out of the 3 games. It's been a busy week!

10:18 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Good action shots! I hope to get to an upcoming game.

6:15 AM  
Anonymous Elizabeth said...

Another one this Tuesday at her school, 3:30.

2:35 PM  

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