Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Update on Mother

Mother was transported from the hospital to a rehab center tonight about 8:00 p.m.  Here they will work on getting her walking maybe a little better and help her learn how to get up and down a better way then what she might have been use to.  After being in the hospital bed for a week she has gotten a little weaker and unsteady even though they have gotten her up and around the past couple of days.  I think her diet will still be a work in progress and limited in many things she can eat.  Maybe they can work on that at the rehab center too.  I'm not sure how long she will be there; I guess it depends on her progress.  I'm sure they will access her tomorrow.  The rehab center is a newer one then the one Dad was in and I'm glad they didn't choose that same one for Mother.  I know she disappointed not to be going straight home but she didn't show it very much.  Will write more updates as I know more.


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