Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mother's First Weekend back from Hospital

Mother seemed to have a really good weekend.  I got there Saturday (10:00) to relieve Jackie and stayed until Sunday (3:00) when Jackie came back.  Jackie will stay until Mary (caretaker) comes tonight at 8pm.  Mary will stay until Noon tomorrow and get mother her shower and wash her hair (spa day as Jackie calls it). Mother did not get up that many times Saturday night (3) and took a walk each day.  She ate well and seemed in good spirits but complained about not having any energy.  I thought it was probably from being in bed at the hospital for 4 days.  She will start taking vitamins too so I think that will help.  The physical therapist came Friday for an evaluation and a lady called today to set up a time to come Monday for an evaluation .......she said she was an occupational therapist to work with Mother on things to help her become more dressing, etc. 

So glad we decided on the procedure to put in the mesh umbrealla and not do the Coumadin and I think Mother is too.


Blogger Clemens said...

I spoke to her Sunday night and she sounded great - clear strong voice. She was in a mood to reminisce about growing up in Purcellville. Could still give me a very clear update on everybody - including the Gasparilla parade.

Laura and I are greatly relieved - we will see you all around March 11 and we will bring Leo (though he will have strict instructions not to get anywhere near Mother's feet).

Wish we could bring the cat for Mother to see! She insists on calling her 'Miss Kitty' - which is also what she calls Diane's 'Hello Kitty' kitty. I am going to change her name to 'Pepys' - which is pronounced Peeps because that is what she does when she purrs.

10:39 PM  

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