Friday, June 16, 2006

Hushpuppies and Rhubarb Pies

Scotty mentioned in an earlier post that we were going to Greensboro, a city about 2 hours east, to celebrate our anniversary. And so we did. Leo went to his usual kennel where I pay a little extra to buy him the 'Resort Package.' For a mere 5 dollars a night extra, he gets 2 10-minutes-long walks, treats and a quilt to sleep on rather than the cement floor. It makes me feel slightly less guilty. We stayed at a nice, older model Hampton Inn - no 'Resort Package' for us.

The reason we picked Greensboro was that our local NPR station put together a special package for the opening night of the movie 'A Prairie Home Companion'. For a mere 35 dollars, we got two tickets to the movie, a live performance by a local blue-grass group called the Hushpuppies, a coffee mug with the movie logo, and two smaller-than-a-regular-pie-but-bigger-than-a-tartlet rhubarb pies. The movie was very enjoyable; although, it made Scotty rather nostalgic for the Twin Cities.

Had a look around Greensboro's downtown on Friday, lunch at a nice Thai restaurant, picked up Leo, and came home.

Saturday I went to Mass because little Lucy Albanil was having her 'presentation'. In Mexico, a child is presented to the faith community at 3 years old and again at 15. Both times the Mass is followed by a humongous party. Scotty and I were invited to the party and had a great time. He wrote about it in the Mayberry blog.

Marshall and Diane: We are looking forward to the Hawaiian photos.



Blogger Elizabeth said...

I'm glad you both had such a good time. I'm afraid I just don't share your enthusiasm for the rhubarb pie. It would not have been a reason for me to make the trip - everything else seem cool though. I'm sure everyone at the "doggie resort" made over Leo and spoiled him for you. Laura - about Meghan's bathing suits - she took about 5-6 suits - never wore 1 twice (but some of them are 2-3 years old).

9:31 PM  

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